Our journey towards change (By Linda Markus)

We have been working now directly and indirectly on the realisation of a youth centre for three weeks. The tasks of the second week often coincided with those of the first. In concrete terms, this means that we still mainly scraped and sealed walls and removed graffiti to prepare them to be painted. At the same time, we repaired and painted furniture.

So we created a foundation on which we could build the youth centre. While the tasks themselves resembled each other, it changed how we dealt with them and their surroundings; so as we wall-scratched our way through the indoor and outdoor spaces, we became more routinised, more attuned as a team, discovering strengths and learning how to use them. We scratched problems free, then scratched our heads while swearing, but always found solutions in the end.

Working on the exterior part of the new youth centre.

From the third week on, everything started to come together relatively suddenly. Within a day, a rather drab -but of course excellently prepared- facade became a colourful one, its appearance resembling that of a Rubix cube. Over the course of the week, this wave of colour continued to spill through the interiors and exteriors: we painted walls, ceilings, window frames, doors, and now and then accidentally floors and ourselves in all the colours the rainbow has to offer. At the same time, a carpet of tiles spread in one of the rooms, turning some of us into true experts in the field of tiling.

Working on the interior of the new youth centre.

This change was also noticed by the community. Suddenly we were no longer perceived as the gang that made a shabby building even uglier than it already was, but as the ones trying to change something for the better. Our work was appreciated more than ever, with more and more residents stopping to comment on our work and ask questions.

In the past two weeks, we also continued to take time every day to actively reach out to the community. In addition to the usual engaging people by asking questions, we added active promotion by distributing flyers. This was supplemented by the help that the community offered us. This included local volunteers helping us with crafts and donating furniture for the youth centre. This kind of response was very motivating and encouraged us to continue to do our best every day at the youth centre.

Community Engagement time!

At the end of the third week, we are now close to the completion of the youth centre. We have now reached a point where a coherent picture emerges from a construction site and can hardly wait to finally complete the project and declare the youth centre opened!

Our happy change-makers during the process.

SHALL WE GO? –LET’S GO! Change your life

Sometimes, I wonder how something as simple as a single question can change your life that much.

-Shall we go? –Let’s go!

This is how my conversation with my friend Miriam ended the day we decided to go somewhere else to be volunteers.

I have always been a girl who has thought that we all “have´´ to follow a standard life path for my background and surroundings. Fortunately, or unfortunately, 2020 came to our lives to change them at all. It has given us bad days, and it was, in my case, a rollercoaster of feelings though, I have lived through moments that if it hadn’t been for the pandemic situation, I would not have probably.

There will always be people telling you it is not a good time to have this kind of experience due to the world situation but, on the contrary, it was the best one for me.

I started my professional career in events management and marketing (what I studied for) when the Covid-19 appeared. Then, I went back to my hometown for almost a year (I left it when I was 18). I have excellent memories of what I did and who I spent my days with “there is nothing like being home ;)´´

I guess at some point, we all have felt lost this weird year. That was when I realised I had to do something else (because nothing ventured, nothing gained).

I have had two other experiences abroad, and I have always had the feeling to do it again. I do not know what the future has to offer me, but I am sure that it was the right idea to come to Timisoara.

Firstly, everybody doubts what will happen when it comes to an abroad experience, and I was not far. If I am honest, my expectations were not high. I think it was because the selection process was speedy, and I was not aware of the reality yet (I got my flight ticket one week after the interview).

Flights to Timisoara

After a one-day trip (and a few goodbyes), I arrived in Timisoara ready to have one of the best experiences in my life.

I am willing to work, learn a lot from everything and everyone, discover a new country and new people I will live and work with, have fun, and, one of the things I value most, grow personally and professionally.

Every part of the project has exceeded my expectations so far, and I am looking forward to seeing what has to come.

I always remember a phrase which says: ‘You win some, you learn some’. In this case, my insight is you do both, though.

Romania, the place to become change-makers

Several months have passed since we arrived in Romania to volunteer with the ESC project Youth Centres UP 2. Since then, the experience, which is still intense, has gone through different phases. We arrived in Timisoara without many expectations but with a great desire to give the best of ourselves. We found ourselves in a country of solidarity, open and full of young people wanting to change things. 

Miriam, Burak, and Esther

After a year of pandemic, in which fear and uncertainty paralysed us, being part of a youth movement in a country that has historically been as undervalued as Romania allows us to grow and see beyond.   

It is necessary to admit that it is difficult to imagine yourself in a project that requires solidarity and unity while going through a dark period like the pandemic. However, Romania has demonstrated to be a resilient country, where people always support each other when it comes to develop and improve. It is a real pleasure to work shoulder to shoulder with them as change-makers.  

Furthermore, Romania is a great country, diverse, with potential, and committed to young people -you just have to see the number of projects, activities, and events that are taking place now-, and we are lucky to be part of them. In addition to this, the number of local people involved and with whom you can share work, experiences, and time is unbelievable. The best way to get to know a country in depth is through its people. In this sense, we could not have been more fortunate.  

In addition, long-term projects with ESC allow you to live and work with people from other countries. They are also an excellent opportunity to learn and adapt yourself to different cultures. Although it sometimes seems a complex challenge, these experiences as volunteers let you grow and broaden your horizons. In our case, being change-makers encompasses all this.  

Volunteers having fun during FITT’s anniversary

In the end, the best thing about volunteering is realizing that you are surrounded by people who were strangers at first, and they are now an essential part of the experience. At that moment, you wonder why you have not done it before. 

Esther, Miriam, and Burak