Moving on to the third week, we`re proud of what we`ve accomplished. We were able to clean theoutside completely and do some real progress on the inside.
We repaired the walls almost entirely so that after some finishing touches it will be ready to bepainted and we cleaned the rust and painted the fence in blue, as well.
Meantime, in our thursday action the team gathered in the youth house to make furniture fromused materials for our centre. More precisely we made a sofa, a coat hanger, two tables and a chairto use as decoration.
Besides that, for the community engagement, we interacted some more with the locals and got our first furniture donation.

Aditionally, for this saturday we planned a lemonade party to welcome the neighbourhood to ourcentre and show them our work and progress. We even designed an invitation flyer which we laterdistributed throughout the neighbourhood. Unfortunately, the weather conditions didn`t allow usto go through with it so we had to postpone it.
Here is our invitation flyer;

To sum up, this week was a tiring but rewarding experience. We aknowledge the importance of our work we grew together as a team. At below there are reflections of our team mates that we would like to share.
Ana Sofia Barata
This week was very important for us, we finished the parking lot and the garden behind our centerand it was hard but worth it. We also found an electricity post that we didn’t even know was there. Inside we started repairing the walls and hopefully next week we can start painting. We had a lot ofchallenges, but overall it was a good week for the team.
Beatriz Ferreira
Finally, i’m starting to see progress on our center. We’re almost finished working on the walls andthe community is getting more and more used to our help and presence.
As a team we still have some issues but we’re working on solving them.
We also planned a lemonade party this saturday which we had to cancel due to the weather.
All in all, it was a good week for us and I’m excited to continue the work.
Vasilis Tsalos
Today,it’s not actually a summer day. We woke up and it was raining a lot. It’s time to rest a little bitcause we cannot work under those conditions. But it’s also time to think about what we did thisweek.
For me, it was a very good and productive week. We were working in our centre inside and outside, we tried to fix the things and we did a great job. I really liked the spirit of the team.
It was colourful and multicultural. We did it in a creative way with music, dance, jokes and smiles. Many smiles. Many different smiles.
Alina Sferl
About this week: people from neighborhood are actually speaking about us with each other, theyare visiting us, and because we worked hard the interior looks like a new one, you can picture howour place will be full of young people.
This week was a very productive week because we made the walls inside. Unfortunately saturday1slemonade party was canceled.
Davud Azizov
In comparison with the other weeks, this week was the toughest because of the things that needed to be done. We built a sofa, chairs
On the same day, we started to paint the fence but again we didn`t have enough equipment. The next day we did community engagement and tried to fix all the things inside of the building. Now
Gozde Siir
As a team