The Three Musketeers of FITT

This is the story of the three musketeers, namely Armando, Fatih, and Alperen, or Alpi, as known by many. We three met in Timisoara, Romania, a month and a half after the first of us, Alpi, came here. When we first met we did not know what we might have encountered and undergo altogether. After…

This is the story of the three musketeers, namely Armando, Fatih, and Alperen, or Alpi, as known by many. We three met in Timisoara, Romania, a month and a half after the first of us, Alpi, came here. When we first met we did not know what we might have encountered and undergo altogether. After bounding up on a surface level, we also got to know and observe each other at the working place. We also realised that we got each other’s back during the challenging atmosphere that we went through altogether after some time of bonding.

Our volunteering time here included working with young people, contacting and communicating with locals and learning the authentic, local cultural elements. Looking at the months we had together here in Romania; we see that we acquired a lot; the culture, the language, working methods, communication style, and overall, working as a team.

Volunteering abroad, a lifetime experience for us

On the other hand, our experience does not only encompass the socio-cultural aspects. Before our time in Romania, all of us had not lived in a country abroad for a long time, experiencing the live-on-your-own situation before. Therefore, taking care of yourself, cooking, shopping, and basically being a fully-fledged adult was one of the best things we, the three musketeers, have had as a teaching experience and something we would be grateful for ESC and Romania.

Finally, for the young people out there thinking about being a volunteer for the ESC program, having an experience abroad, and impacting the communities in need all over Europe, we suggest and encourage you to go on and do it, and let the experience make you a better you for your future!

With all fun and respect.

The Three Musketeers