My first 3 weeks in Romania (by Antton Gorrochategui)

2 months ago, I was looking for some volunteering projects in the European Solidarity Corps portal. When I found the FITT opportunity, I was like, “Wow, what an interesting project, but what is FITT? What do they do exactly? How is Romania? How is living in Romania? How are Romanians?” I have never known someone that has been living here or volunteering here.  

If you don’t know what FITT is, you should visit their webpage to understand precisely. But shortly, it is a group of people who, from what I understood, works as an umbrella organization for young people of the city and their projects. But in any case, volunteering in FITT is a unique experience; it’s never boring and there are no 2 twin days. I have been helping organise an art exposition, helped update their activities in the European youth year portal, participated in a 1-week training about green entrepreneurship and circular economy, joined a Halloween party organised by FITT and a lot of other things I do not remember now.   

Me and my ¿Boss? At the Halloween party 

In these 3 weeks, I also have discovered a bit about Timisoara. And in general, I think it is a good volunteering place. People here are nice and welcoming, at least the ones I have known in this short period of time. There are a lot of young people every place, and you have a few choices to spend your free time all around the city.  

Article by Antton from Spain

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