Our youth centre

The first week of our adventure (By Linda Markus)

The first week of the Youth Centres UP 2 project (first team of international volunteers for 30 days), in which an unused heating building is turned into a centre for the youth of a neighbourhood within about a month, started with team building activities.
This was followed by a shallow transition to the actual work on the centre, which, if one disregards the two-meter-deep hole in the entrance area, is a good starting point. So, initially divided into three teams with their own areas of responsibility, but ultimately as one team, we set to work.

Onboarding & Team building activities

Within three days, we performed the following tasks:

  • Cleaning the garden and the building
  • Scraping the walls
  • Removing holes from the walls, leveling them and preparing them for painting
  • Cutting trees
  • Redesigning and making furniture
Working on the walls

In parallel, we made a constant effort to involve the community by ending each of the days at the future youth centre with a joint community engagement. We talked to as many people as possible and collected opinions and ideas in order to design the place according to the wishes of the neighbourhood.
So, in conclusion, all we can say is that if we have been able to learn and create so much in such a short time, we can only look forward to the coming period with joy!

International volunteers

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