Short-term volunteer (valeta)

My time as a short-term volunteer at FITT in Timisoara is coming to an end. Soon I will board the plane and say goodbye to Romania. But now it’s time to reflect on the days that have recently passed.

The last week served both to finish some remaining youth centres and to prepare for the work on the local senior centre, which will also be used by the youth in the future.

In a first meeting with the seniors in their centre, we were welcomed very hospitably and were allowed to get to know the organisation and its activities through many stories and tales during a relaxed get-together. We spent the following days removing waste around the centre, repairing the roof and painting the outside wall with new colours. We also brought some outdoor furniture with us to enjoy time outside when the weather is nice.

Also, on my last weekend in this project, we went on a trip together to the surrounding area. In Lugoj, we met up with the other volunteers and had the opportunity to exchange stories and get to know each other better over a BBQ and campfire.

Now I have only three days left, which I hope to enjoy with the other volunteers. I hope that besides the completion of the senior centre and its opening ceremony, there will be enough time to say goodbye to my fellow volunteers. I am sure that we could make several strong bonds and that the contact (even if we all go back to our countries) will not be broken.

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