Second wave – Team 2

This week started with less energy than the previous one because our first thought when we got at the youth center was: ‘ oh no! scratching the walls again ‘.

We kind of struggled with the walls for almost 2 weeks. Lucky us, 2 volunteers came and helped us! One of them is a nice girl, Emilia, who brought us some home-made chocolate to cheer us up. The other volunteer is Mihai who came with his tools from work to help us finish faster. With their help and kindness, we managed to finish in time cleaning the walls and began to fill the holes with bricks and cement.

We split in groups, one group will stay inside to take care of the walls, the other one will be outside to take care of the vine, the ground and the door. Now the windows are free without leaves and the door is ready to be painted. Also, we cleaned the ceiling, fixed and leveled the soil outside. For the fence, we had a long discussion for the color we are going to paint it, not by consensus, by voting.

This week has been quite tiring, but all the fatigue was worth to see these beautiful results. We learned how to communicate with each other in that way to find new solutions and how it’s better to work together.

In every week we find new problems, but now we have the ability and the strength to fight through them, together, as a TEAM!

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