My EVS experience – Week II

My second week as an EVS volunteer was the moment to get to know my place, in some way or another. This was the moment where I was assigned with my mentor and started having the meetings aimed at, firstly, getting to know each other and define, between us, what exactly means to be a…

My second week as an EVS volunteer was the moment to get to know my place, in some way or another.

This was the moment where I was assigned with my mentor and started having the meetings aimed at, firstly, getting to know each other and define, between us, what exactly means to be a mentor. In these first meetings, we decided how the process was going to be, in order to make my experience not only as easy as possible, but also productive, which means, in other words, to make it possible for me to learn as much as I can with this experience.

During this week, I started also to get more involved with the city, trying to get to know the surroundings and just walking around, with no specific place to go.

Timișoara is a city that felt since the beggining, for me. as a students’ city which can be proved by the amount of events happening around that not only are aimed at students, but also developed by them. During these days, Timișoara was hosting StudentFest, a festival created and developed by one of the biggest students’ organizations in the city. This was great for me bearing in mind that I got to know the city while getting in touch with romanian music and artists.

This week more specifically weekend, was also the second round of what we can call the „Building weekends”, which means, the reconstruction/redecoration of one of the spaces in the Youth House – an experience that I’m really glad to be part of.

To sum up, I know the road is long, but it’s incredible to look and see everything that can be taken off with just two weeks of this experience.