Before I start writing about my trip to Romania, I want to express my immense joy of being here because I have been waiting for so long to come here. I waited a year after I was selected, due to the pandemic and the closure of the borders.
And here is how my journey started…

It has been a week since I started the ESC project with FITT foundation and this is how I got into it.
I was working at that time, because I dropped out of college, and it always peaked my interest that a couple of my high school friends were doing volunteer activities, so I got along with them.
I switched to a part-time job, and chose to spend my free time with the volunteering group and do some activities in the help of minorities that had difficulties to integrate in our society. About a month after that, my sister came to me and told me about a project that she found, a long term project that had to do with human rights, social inclusion, solidarity, and that implies volunteers from different parts of the world. It sounded perfect to me: just to meet with all these people from different cultures all together, working on one cause, helping to spread solidarity everywhere it is needed, and all the benefits I could get, like improving my communicating skills in a foreign language, learning to work better in groups and many many others – so I decided to join.
After I passed the interview and everything, the pandemic hit and the borders between countries started to close, but I didn’t let this opportunity go. I waited a full year, and during this year I wasn’t completely detached from the ESC project. I participated in an online workshop where we got a topic to discuss our thoughts on that. The session was two hours a week, but we usually went for more because it was much fun.
Later, when the Romanian Embassy opened, it didn’t take me long till I got the visa and took off to Timișoara. I finally arrived here, got acquainted with other members of the FITT organization, everybody has been so polite and the hospitality has been great. Immediately after I got in my room I started thinking about the beautiful journey that I’m gonna have here.

Thanks for reading.