This week that just passed was the first week in two months that we finally had some more freedom, since we changed from state of emergency to state of alert.
For our project, this means that we could finally go to our youth centers and start working on them hand on! After so long of being here without being able to directly do what we came here for, the time finally came!

So what is the result of this? Dust, dirt and happiness!
(and lots of new friendships with spiders!)
The feeling of being content after you have done a difficult job (or at least part of it!) after a long time of not being able to, is purely indescribable! How dirty you end up returning home, or how much your body hurts from all the work are aspects that have very little value in such cases. Because after all, it feels like you are having a weight off of you after a long time of carrying it, and you can at last walk with more confidence.
After two full days of cleaning, repairing and rearranging things in my youth center at Calea Martirilor, it is finally taking its form.
Slowly but steadily, it is transforming into the butterfly it was meant to be from the start. Cliche, I know! But if you see all the colors that pop up now that it is clean, and the feeling of coziness and beauty it emits more and more after every time I leave the place having worked on making it shine, you will understand what I mean!

I am fortunate that I had, during these two days, the help of two different locals, Stefan and David. Without their help, I would not have progressed so far. Sometimes, even receiving the will of someone wanting to help, is enough and can make one’s life much less complicated and more beautiful. In my case, those two persons did more than just giving me moral support and showing me that they truly want to help me. And for this I am extremely glad and consequently filled with more courage and hope to put my best self into this endeavour.
No matter how hard the work is, once you start reaping what you sowed, it is all worth it.
I am eager to finish this first stage of preparing it to receive the public, and creating all those activities that is meant to have! Hopefully, the corona situation will soon calm down even more, and this dream will become a reality for me and everyone that can benefit from this youth center!
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