The Vision Behind

I’ve always been an outsider of sorts. Weirdly incapable of settling into what the majority would consider a normal (if not a must-have) way of life. Hence, I’ve spent a fair share of my life exploring new territories – geographically as well as spiritually.

My involvement in volunteer work in Timișoara is fragment of a broader spiritual journey and at the same time it’s difficult for me to imagine a more personally meaningful humanitarian occupation, here and now, that also grants so much creative freedom in all of its aspects, at the same time.

Personally, there is nothing more fulfilling than having a positive influence on someone. For some it may be money, for some it may be power. For me – establishing genuine human connections that have a positive, harmonising influence.

I’ve come here with an intention to cultivate good to the best of my ability regardless of the occasion or time of the day. We’re all responsible for embodying the change, principles and values we’d like to see resembled in the world around us.

We’re all citizens of the world, ultimately, and positive influence always inspires even more positive influence and keeps growing exponentially, exceeding its original locale.

And in a world of manipulation, greed, stress and envy, isn’t volunteering for a humanitarian cause the right move?


Sometimes I happen to get overwhelmed by great positive energy and motivation when I get in and start looking for work, I send cv to all the jobs I think fit my skills. I always look forward to an answer and when I see someone answering me I’m happy, I always tell myself that this is the right time, but not because here it is the classic human, perverted and unscrupulous case that contact you. When I see these people I always say ′′ Come on it doesn’t matter, it’s still looking “, but honestly after the umpteenth C ** and who writes you to satisfy their personal needs, I felt the disgust of looking for anything. It seems absurd to me that people like this are still circulating in the social media world today because they turn a simple search into something indescribable making you feel LIKE SHIT even if it’s not your fault. I can’t believe that a woman can’t do anything and that she always has to run into guys like this, that every time she has to go out she has to look at how she is dressed or pay attention to where she goes. It’s also crazy that people especially women say ′′ you have to be careful ′′ or ′′ uh, you know how many times this has happened to me?”, but why do you think it’s normal for things like this to happen to us? Not me honestly. In the end, the authorities don’t do anything for us not caring about what we suffer both psychologically and physically. I’m so tired of running into people like this every time, without being able to do things carefree, who knows if one day this will all end and we Women will have the chance to be free as it should be.

Facts about my Yerevan Jan

4 ) Did you know that Yerevan is known as the ‘pink city’? This is due to the wonderful natural colour of the historic buildings which were made from naturally coloured volcanic rock!
5) Yerevan is far from a new city – it was actually founded back in 782 BC!

I am SOOO bad at writing and I just want to be good

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I’m 29 years old and I’ve had an interest in writing ever since I have been in university because I knew that I will need it in my career. I read a lot to help develop some skill and I’ve watched many tip videos and read many tip posts. I tried, I tried many times to write short stories because those are what can help me as a start but… they all end up sounding like a damn 10-year-old wrote them. It’s like I unconsciously start going off-topic in the story and moving things around. Like you could honestly read a 12-year-olds story then read mine and the kids’ story would be a whole King novel compared to mine. I just wanna be good at this!


Frida is here

The end of the week in Aradului youth center we had exhibition called ART FOR CHANGE .

Frida came our youth center , first time in my life I met her.

She was so close , she was all the time with me , we were walking together , we were speaking together : from same body

take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic : FRIDA


“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence” – Aristotle

There was a boy, whose family was very wealthy. One day his father took him on a trip to the country, where he aimed to show his son, how poor people live. So they arrived to a farm of a very poor family, as he considered. They spent there several days. On their return, the father asked his son, did he like the trip.

„Oh, it was great, dad” – the boy replied. „Did you notice how poor people live?” „Yeah, I did“- said the boy. The father asked his son to tell in more details about his impressions from their trip“.

„Well, we have only one dog, and they have four of them. In our garden, there is a pool, while they have a river that has no end. We‘ve got expensive lanterns, but they have stars above their heads at night. We have the patio, and they have the whole horizon. We have only a small piece of land, while they have endless fields. We buy food, but they grow it. We have a high fence for protection of our property, and they don‘t need it, as their friends protect them.”

The father was stunned. He could not say a word.

Then the boy added: „Thank you, dad, for letting me see how poor we are.”

This story shows that the true wealth as well as happiness is not measured by materials things. Love, friendship and freedom are far more valuable.

Let’s make Lipovei great again

Being part of the team Lipovei is not always the easiest ”job” you’ll ever find. This youth center was very special for many people I was working with previous summer, and as important as it was for them, we’re trying other people to see the perspective this place has.

People in this neighborhood are just still not familiar enough with the opportunities youth center offers, and in order to raise awareness a bit more, we decided to go and talk to people, give them some more information and materials, to see and get to know it.

12 hours with 6 planets

We were wild , we were free , we were with colors and friends , we had 12 hours, I had 6 planets around of me .

It was full moon and warm water, 6 planets were swimming : 6 life and 6 planets.

the sky full of colors and we are flying
photo by me

If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start. This could mean losing girlfriend/boyfirend, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days.

It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery–isolation. Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And, you’ll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds. And it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If you’re going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It’s the only good fight there is.”


Every single day

We are motivated ,day by day we are feeling more close with our youth center and making goals to have amazing youth center. #magiaAradului

Week full of work and plans, week with new conversations, week with my Katsia, week in my youth center,week with new stories and new events,week with new people and new roads.

Every corner in our Youth center Is important for us, every book, every chair and everything and when we are feeling tired or unmotivated we are just remembering about magic of Aradului and getting inspiration and support from our youth center.

Make a mistake

I’m trying to remind myself that it’s okay to make mistakes.

in fact, I think I should make more mistakes.

if anything, I think it’s a mistake sometimes to be so guarded and being too afraid to make a mistake.

I would be more productive if I just went ahead and make a move. and keep looking forward regardless if I did it wrong or right.

if I fuck up enough times, I’d get there eventually.

or at least I’d definitely get closer than if I were to repeatedly second guess myself.

for one, I think I’ve been overthinking this polaroid idea recently.

I think too much about what I should print and what I should write on it. which contradicts the whole idea of why I’m even doing it in the first place.

which is to document.

so I went ahead and picked a quick picture that I feel is somewhat good enough and just printed it.

it shouldn’t be too complicated.