I have so far been unable to find a specific sentence to start this article, so I will start as follows.
Analog Mania was a journey, through which I had learned that there is a lot of room for self-improvement. I had the opportunity to discuss and learn from a diverse group of people and I enjoyed working with them. I feel grateful that I have met such beautiful souls.

I mainly did logistics during the project, but looking back I can see the bigger picture of all the small bits I did and I think it all worked out in the end. I could’ve been more active than I was, but that is something I have to work with myself.
The project was like a hand that I could lent. The impact which it had on me was more profound and personal than I initially thought, mainly because of the group, which I felt it was so cohesive and inclusive, but also dynamic, active and creative all the way through.

It also helped me to be more open-minded, develop my language and social skills during the process, which was long and full of changes and motions.
I started the journey with no expectations and I gained so much more in exchange.
The Analog Mania experience was unique from my perspective. The journey was a wonderful one, and I enjoyed it every day. It took me, from the very beginning, into a new world full of hope and possibilities. I could not have hoped for more.
Although the reality was not always rosy, through hard work and determination, we managed to overcome obstacles and create a pleasant environment for visitors and participants.
The experience somehow helped me to accept or adopt other ways of thinking and to better understand human nature. The project started, for me, in a period with enough emotional charge, so that I was absorbed by the workload and managed, I hope, to be consistent and energized.
The Analog Mania project, in itself, came as a form of inspiration that one rarely encounters and helped me to rediscover myself, to see more of myself and appreciate my own way of being. The experience, in this sense, was a very novel one and helped me to see beyond the means of digital creation, to step into a world partly unknown to me and to be responsible for myself, even more aware of the existence of creative modes that are different from those I knew at the time.
Seeing the volunteers in action, having fun at the same time, has inspired and motivated me to continue to give the best of myself and to succeed in discovering new views of being. It is contagious when you can enjoy the joy of others.