analog mania 2023

ANALOG MANIA – Let the adventure begin!!

Once upon a time a group of young people decided to join for 1 full month an amazing volunteering project happening in the beautiful city of Timisoara, in Romania, with the goal to support the Analog Mania Festival. The first days of the experience were dedicated to team building activities with youth workers from FITT, to create a safe space for everyone and get us closer to each other!

Our AMAZING guide Foalex gave us an AMAZING tour of ‘The Palace’, also known as the youth house, and of the Timisoara city center!

After a few days of getting to know each other and exploring our surroundings we met the ICONIC Emil Kindlein, the artist who’s organizing everything with a bright mind full of ideas!

When the work week began everyone was excited about it! Our mornings always started with fun energizers, games and music to get us into a good spirit to start the hard work.

The first few days were super tough, with a lot of physical work and hands-on jobs, lots of brushing brushing brushing, scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing, brooming brooming brooming, painting painting painting, everything needed to be squeaky clean!! Although we were tired, it was super rewarding to know that every little detail made a huuuuuge difference at the end! I can assure that all our parents will be proud to see how much we cleaned and the new skills we acquired.

“Every place could be your home if you clean enough” – Hassan from Spain

“This week has been hard because we had to prepare the youth house for the exhibition. However, we have worked as a team and we helped each other in order to achieve our goals.” – Brenda from Spain

“My experience with FITT has been both fun and tiring. The first two weeks so far have been unexpectedly dusty, but we managed to handle everything. We are a good team and laughing and having fun help us to be more productive. Looking forward to the rest of this journey! Less dust, more fun!” – Eter from Georgia

“I’m very pleased with the project so far, I enjoy being surrounded by these kind and amazing people, the brooming brooming and spongy spongy things are new to me, but I’m ok with them huh, can’t wait for more woohoo. My only regret is that I’m at the university a little part of the day, so I cannot get fully involved in the activities. :(“ – Diana from the Republic of Moldova

In between days we also started our cultural nights, so far we’ve tried amazing food and learned a little bit about Georgia, Greece, Albania and Portugal!

This past week was for sure challenging as we are adapting to a new place, new people and some of us doing jobs we’ve never done before, but at the same time that’s the fun of it! Can’t wait to see what the upcoming weeks will bring us! Tune in for the next episode!

An article by Carolina Pires

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