The final week – team 2

Our last week passed by us so quickly we did not even realize. Day by day the center became more colorful and more joyful. The great atmosphere that we made by dancing, singing, working, communicating and smiling filled the room. We were tired in the last day of work but we encouraged each other so we can finish happy the center. The opening day approached us so fast, we were not ready to say goodbye to each other and go home.

At the opening we had a raffle, a lovely girl that came to sing for us, and lots of food, drinks and games for the people from the neighborhood that joined us. The KAMATE team aka purple team is now spread in all different countries, but we are still talking and helping each other.

We were a great team and with this diversity we had made this team so cool. We converted any fight to a material for memes and we all have an amazing feedback of these few weeks spend as a little family.

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